If your questions aren’t answered here, please don’t hesitate to contact a member of the Ara Taiohi crew.

Contact us at review@arataiohi.org.nz.

I don’t remember my login, password, etc.

If you can’t remember your password, simply order a password reset by attempting to log in and selecting ‘lost your password’. You’ll be emailed a link to reset your password. 

If you can’t remember your email address or username, you can try and get a password reset for different email addresses (the website will tell you if the email address is not registered to use the Review Tool). 

If you are not the administrator for your organisation, you do not require a login. You can access your results by clicking the link you were sent inviting you to partake in the tool. Your administrator can send you another link if needed. 

If you get really stuck, contact review@arataiohi.org.nz and we’ll help you out! 

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